Course Name
SDP_NCL16_22-23_B1 - Controlled Release of Active Molecules : Hands on Preparation, Characterization and Release Studies of Active Molecules
Instructor Name :-
Gundloori. Dr.(Mrs.). R.V., Dr. B. Santhakumari, Dr. Suresha P. R., Dr. Arun Torris, Purohit, (Mrs.) P.M.
Active molecules (pesticides, drugs, nutrients, perfumes, detergents, proteins pesticides, drugs, peptides, etc.) when
exposed to unfavorable conditions may become unstable, inactive and vary the physical or chemical properties. To avoid these effects and to maintain the shelf life of the active molecules an inert supporting material is essential. This supporting material could be based on polymer or a inorganic materials or combination of both. Depending
on the stability of the active molecules, the matrices and encapsulation in macro, micro and nano forms can be designed. In this workshop we describe the methods involved in preparation, characterization and analysis of the atrices and encapsulates. And also demonstrate methods to estimate the qualitative analysis of active molecules.